Code Tag: Genesis

  • Allow shortcodes in Genesis Archive Intro Text

    Allows the use of shortcodes in Genesis Archive Intro Texts/description. These settings are available for term archives, author archives, and custom post type archives.400: Invalid requestSource: archive, author, custom post type, Genesis, Taxonomy

  • Pure CSS Parallax Page Header in Genesis

    Add a parallax image behind a page entry header in Genesis – pure css solution. (You’ll need to style your image to be tall enough to match the webpage header, so it is behind the main page header on scroll)400: Invalid requestSource: css, Genesis, Page Template

  • Remove Genesis Taxonomy Meta Fields

    This snippet removes the genesis taxonomy meta fields, just add to your functions.php file or a custom plugin file.400: Invalid requestSource: custom field, Genesis, Taxonomy

  • Override Genesis Theme Settings

    Use this handy helper class to easily Override Genesis Theme Settings and remove theme metaboxes.400: Invalid requestSource: Genesis, settings

  • Remove Genesis Inpost Layout Box on Posts

    Remove Genesis inpost layout box on posts, or any post type, specifically.400: Invalid requestSource: Genesis, layout

  • Set Genesis Theme Settings Defaults

    This shows everything, you can set a specific default (without changing the others) more simple with the example in the gist comments. See the defaults as listed in the (very useful) Genesis Docs Gary Jones maintains.400: Invalid requestSource: filter, Genesis, settings

  • Remove Genesis Custom Post Type Archive Metaboxes

    Remove metaboxes from the genesis custom post type archive settings page.400: Invalid requestSource: custom post type, Genesis

  • Specific Page Sidebar with Genesis

    Create a sidebar for a specific page with the Genesis Framework, without a new template file.400: Invalid requestSource: Genesis, Page Template, Sidebar

  • Post Avatars in Entry Header in Genesis

    This places the post avatar in the entry header of feature posts (if you’re using the grid loop plugin) and on single post pages. It also allows for co-author plus support, showing a different image when there is more than one author.400: Invalid requestSource: avatar, co-author plus, Genesis, grid loop