Limit Navigation Sub-Menu Rendering Levels in WordPress

The WordPress menu interface is a great way to manipulate navigation menus on your site. If you’re building a theme, however, you may find yourself wanting to limit the number of available sub-menu depths without removing the sub-menu items themselves.

You can style your way around it (styling .sub-menu .sub-menu to act differently than .sub-menu), you can use the wp_nav_menu function’s depth argument to limit the depth, or you can use a custom Walker to force the output to match.

However, if your situation is such that the styling won’t work well and you want to limit navigation sub-menu depth, but not remove any menu items on lower depths (this happens with the depth argument in wp_nav_menu), then the third option is the way to go: create a custom walker.

This removes all sub-menu wraps on sub-menus beyond the second level.

Featured image via Flickr CC, by Basheer Tome


2 responses to “Limit Navigation Sub-Menu Rendering Levels in WordPress”

  1. can you tell me, how steps to use


    1. Krisna,

      The Walker is called in the jdn_primary_menu_args function. The key thing here is the name of the menu, which is typically theme-specific. In this example 'primary' is the name of the menu location this Walker is applied to in the theme. Change that accordingly for your theme.

      For the Walker:

      1. The start_el runs at the start of the list item. This this case, it’s looking at any item with a depth over 1 that has a class menu-item-has-children and removing that class.
      2. The start_lvl is where the sub-menu wrapper ul element is applied. The Walker adds this, like the typical default, but in this case only on any sub-menu with a depth under 2 (so only one level of sub-menus is allowed), otherwise it adds the normal $indent value without the sub-menu wrap.
      3. The end_lvl does something similiar, but it fires at the end and either adds the closing tag or the default $indent value.

      Hope that helps!


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