Code Tag: custom post type

  • Allow shortcodes in Genesis Archive Intro Text

    Allows the use of shortcodes in Genesis Archive Intro Texts/description. These settings are available for term archives, author archives, and custom post type archives.400: Invalid requestSource: archive, author, custom post type, Genesis, Taxonomy

  • Exclude Post Types From Search

    This snippet allows you to remove a post type, like pages, for instance, from the search results without removing any others (by default WordPress searches posts, pages, and attachments). This will also preserve any custom post types you might have that are searchable (like those from other plugins).400: Invalid requestSource: custom post type, search

  • Get Post Types By Taxonomy

    Get post types that have a specific taxonomy, returns an array of objects or names, or false if nothing found.400: Invalid requestSource: custom post type, Taxonomy

  • Remove Genesis Custom Post Type Archive Metaboxes

    Remove metaboxes from the genesis custom post type archive settings page.400: Invalid requestSource: custom post type, Genesis

  • Check If Post Type Supports Archives

    Checks if a post type supports archives and returns boolean. Handy if you are playing with custom post types and page templates.400: Invalid requestSource: archive, custom post type

  • Is_Custom_Post_Type()

    Checks if the current post is a custom post type, returns boolean. Very handy when working with custom post types, layouts and the like.400: Invalid requestSource: conditional, custom post type, page type